Tuesday, March 26, 2024

January & February 2024

 Happy 2024! You can read about my start here... which is also why there's really not a whole lot to blog about for these two months so I can fit them into one post. Starting January 13th

Mary played basketball on our neighborhood rec team. I had signed her up on a co-ed team... however it's all boys and her. We could have moved her to an all girls team but it would have been at a different community center. She choose to stay on this team with class-mates. It was good for her, she improved and I think she enjoyed it despite a few difficult practices. 

January 15th
Isaac started phase 2 of braces. Back to the expander. He had an expander in Wichita, but his mouth needs MORE room. He probably un-did some of the work by not wearing his retainer when we moved back, but all wasn't lost cuz I have seen where we started. Three months of every other day turns and he will get all this hardware off mid-May and get a few different pieces for a few months before the actual braces get put on. It's gonna be a 3 year process but hopefully so worth it for him to have a happy uncrowded mouth. 

Hair cut for the girls. They fought me on it a little bit but after were happy with the shorter more manageable hair. 

January 17th
Thomas got GLASSES! Same story somewhat as Isaac. He needs to wear them for looking at the board at school, watching TV at home. He has astigmatism in one eye. 


Play dates with the neighbors

Three littles doing swim lessons this winter. 

January 28th
Our Sunday seasonal cross country ski was a little different this year, given the lack of snow. Thankful we had man-made snow to ski on... but limited the trails open and at the start was so crowded! 

February 3rd
The Luminary Loppet was also on land again this year. 

February 4th

Look at that grass off trails!

Isaac had his 2nd band concert on February 6th


Remember the kids had downhill ski lessons in December... when we actually HAD snow! At that time Kyle and I signed up for this date night at the same place. It finally arrived and well we didn't have snow but they had plenty of snow to ski on. I hadn't been downhill skiing since I tore my ACL in 2006. It was so good to get lessons and gain a little confidence. We were the only ones signed up so had a private lesson :-) 

Stopped for crepes after one of Mary's basketball games. 

Views from a gorgeous run (getting about 1 run a week in, I started swimming with the masters in November and LOVE it! I try to go 3 times a week, sometimes it's only 2. Practice is 6am on weekdays)

Superbowl! February 11th

Fender bender: February 13th on my way to take Isaac to school. His fault so his insurance is covering it. We have a rental now... car has been in the shop since March 4th. Hoping to get it back this week. 

Girls locker project at school. They each had a black historical figure to report on for Black History Month.

February 15th 
Finally SNOW! (this was after swimming view of Southwest High School's courtyard)

February 17th
Friends visiting for presidents day weekend. Thankful for this mild batch of snow which allowed us to take them sledding! First time this winter!

We went to Mall of America that weekend with them and spent the day at Nickelodeon Universe.


Fun FULL day! 

February 25th
Last actual day of skiing... it was pathetic. Look at this slush! 

So much almost GREEN! lol It was fun to do a long trail that was part of the World Cup we just hosted.... just not the best winter to be hosting a world event. Thankful for that snow that dumped right before the weekend when they had it (this was the next weekend)

February 26th
Check up for Isaac end of February. Lots of expansion on top and bottom. One more month of turning the devices til we're done with expansion. 

All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.