Monday, November 23, 2015

Sunday Zoo Visit

Yesterday we visited the Minnesota Zoo. It's getting cold up here, I think winter has finally shown up. Luckily there are lots of things to do inside at the zoo.
MN Zoo -6 combined

First task was to attempt a photo of the kids, this is how it started, below. And the above photo was the end result. Luckily mom is a photographer and knows how to edit ;-) Two out of three smiling isn't bad, right?
MN Zoo -1

Isaac loves climbing up on the rocks to be next to the penguins
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Then we watched some of the snow monkeys play
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We've been trying to teach Isaac to stop and look at me when I am trying to get a photo of him. He sometimes cooperates and most times not. But when he's in the mood for his picture to be taken he's great!
MN Zoo -21

Snuggling lemurs:
MN Zoo -22

The girls are started to get into the animals. it was really fun to watch their excitement. Here they were screaming "ISH! ISH!"
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Sleeping bats:
MN Zoo -26

komono dragon:
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Sea horses:
MN Zoo -38

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Sitting in the big aquarium 'window'


Another family photo attempt

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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.